The Missionary Conference
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s Missions Conference is a call to arms to the believing church. Are you ready to answer the call? October 16-18, 2024 Learn more at: https://www.missionary.com/conference News from Nepal The post The Missionary Conference...

Women in Church History: Phillis Wheatley (c. 1753–1784)
While we know her as Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American published poet remains a mystery to us in many ways. This is because she was kidnapped from her birth family and sold into slavery while still a small child… Read More:...

Is God calling you to the mission field?
Are you called to the mission field? This is a question many of us may be weighing and praying through, either for ourselves or on behalf of a brother or sister in Christ. It’s not easy to answer. In fact, I’ve found that many Christ-followers spend years of their...

Warring Against God
The archery reference in this passage may be obscure at first glance, and yet the background is very familiar to us. At this point we see Ahab, the king of Israel in cooperation with Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, both at war against the nation of Syria. Prior to this...

Q: What are a few benefits of having a will?
Giving The post Q: What are a few benefits of having a will? appeared first on .

Dream Dictionaries?
The post Dream Dictionaries? appeared first on .

Your Brothers and Sisters in the North
An Introduction to the Canadian Reformed Churches Take RCUS history, delay it 240 years, nudge it a little west in Europe and a little north in North America, and you have the basics of the history of the Canadian Reformed Churches (CanRC). But before even that is our...

Avoiding the Cliffhanger
Your Will Reveals What Matters Most Cliffhangers might be an amusing way to end a novel or sitcom – but it’s hardly the way to conclude your own life’s story. Yet, this is exactly what will happen if you don’t complete or communicate your estate plan. Your loved ones...

The Need for Reformation
The Protestant Reformation was a reformation of the Western Roman Catholic Church, not the Eastern Orthodox Church (the Western and Eastern Churches had been divided since the year 1054). The Reformers were all born, baptized, confirmed, and educated in the Roman...

Dear Reader, My hope for the Reformed Herald is that it will encourage everyone who reads it. That encouragement, of course, can take more than one form, just as our tendency to discouragement can arise from multiple sources. 1. In news from the churches and reports...