Words and Meanings
Some words change meaning over time. For instance, the earliest meaning of English “bully” was “sweetheart” (so says Merriam-Webster.com), but in our day its accepted meaning is a far cry from “sweetheart” (!) and if one needs to learn the current definition of...

Mid-America Reformed Seminary Class
In the history of the Christian church and in the life of believers, the issue of the assurance of salvation is of special importance. The question of assurance was at the heart of Reformation debates regarding the doctrine of justification by grace alone through...

Start the morning right.
Order yours at https://rcus.org/shop/?orderby=popularity The post Start the morning right. appeared first on RCUS.

Baptism at Peace Reformed Church
Joshua Alexander Larson, son of Deacon Jacob Larson and his wife Tatiana, was baptized at Peace Reformed Church (Garner, IA) on January 8, 2023. Ruling Elder John Larson, overseeing the baptism, is Joshua’s grandfather. Rev. Chuck Muether, administered the baptism....

Growing the RCUS III
A Strategic Plan for The Reformed Church In 2019, the Synod created a Strategic Planning Special Committee to review our practices and to suggest ways in which the RCUS can use our limited resources to more faithfully advance the kingdom of God. Two years later, the...

Nohakal Campeche
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GPTS Spring Theology Conference 2023
Register now to join us March 7–9, 2023, for what promises to be an excellent time of teaching, fellowship, and encouragement. This year’s slate of speakers includes professors, alumni, and friends of Greenville Seminary, with Dr. Joel Beeke, Dr. James Dolezal, Dr....

Best of the Reformed Herald
The post Best of the Reformed Herald appeared first on RCUS.