The Glory of God’s Handiwork
"The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard." (Ps. 19:1-3) Well, the weather has been a bit frigid so...

In the Parking Lot Again
After 40 years or so in our facility, the consistory last year voted to undertake a significant renovation. Under the leadership of deacon Al Esquivel, we installed new lighting and glass interior doors; we repainted, stained, and upholstered our pews. The...

Pakistan Village News
An update from Rev. Samuel A. David The post Pakistan Village News appeared first on RCUS.

Foi & Vie Reformees
An update from Rev. Eric Kayayan The post Foi & Vie Reformees appeared first on RCUS.
Benjamin Rush
While so much of our denomination is now centered in the midwest, it is important to be reminded that our American roots stem largely from the early migration of Germans through Pennsylvania. Names like J.P. Boehm and G.M. Weiss remind us of the early years when...

Davao Covenant Reformed Church in Davao City, Philippines
An update from the Davao Covenant Reformed Church in the Philippines. The post Davao Covenant Reformed Church in Davao City, Philippines appeared first on RCUS.

Hope Haven
Hope Haven works to care for those abroad and those here at home. Their work in providing a “dream home” for Allie is made possible through the support received from donors like the RCUS, which supports Hope Haven through its guideline...

Our World Mission
Dear brothers and sisters,At Christmas time, we remember and celebrate the incredible love God showed us in sending His Son to earth for us, to bring to us His Word, the gospel. We, too, can join in giving the gospel this Christmas season each in his own way as we are...
Should I Always Expect Goodness from God?
In Lord’s Day #35, Question #94 of the Heidelberg Catechism it says, in part, “trust in [God] alone, with all humility and patience, expect all good from Him only.” Have you ever been confused with the phrase “expect all good?” Is the Catechism teaching I should...
Using the Gift of Reason
We are living in what has been called “postmodern” times. Our culture elevates emotion and celebrates imagination. Reason, however, has not totally lost its influence. It still has significant “sway over the centers of knowledge and power in society.”1 We see this in...