Church News

Church News

Update on the Omaha Mission Work In our last update, I mentioned that Omaha Reformed was experiencing a new thing. Instead of having new members and families come and stay, as we had the first five years of our mission, we had several families either move closer to...

Learning from the Pilgrims by Rev. Harvey Opp

Now with Thanksgiving approaching, the fear of “spreading Covid-19” by gathering together is nothing like the outlook and desire of the Pilgrims, whose celebration this holiday is to follow! For they knew that coming to the New World was a monumental task and a threat...

Growing the RCUS, Part III Change Without Compromise

Growing the RCUS, Part III Change Without Compromise

In 2019, the Synod created a Strategic Planning Special Committee to review our practices and to suggest ways in which the RCUS can use our limited resources to more faithfully advance the kingdom of God. Two years later, the committee presented its report. It said,...

What does the Bible say about Predestination?

Predestination is the doctrine that the sovereignty of God determines the eternal destiny of all things, including the salvation of souls. It is a sometimes controversial doctrine, and there are many different interpretations of it. It is most commonly associated with...

The Glory of God’s Handiwork

"The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard." (Ps. 19:1-3) Well, the weather has been a bit frigid so...

In the Parking Lot Again

In the Parking Lot Again

After 40 years or so in our facility, the consistory last year voted to undertake a significant renovation. Under the leadership of deacon Al Esquivel, we installed new lighting and glass interior doors; we repainted, stained, and upholstered our pews. The...

Pakistan Village News

Pakistan Village News

An update from Rev. Samuel A. David The post Pakistan Village News appeared first on RCUS.

Foi & Vie Reformees

Foi & Vie Reformees

An update from Rev. Eric Kayayan The post Foi & Vie Reformees appeared first on RCUS.

Benjamin Rush

While so much of our denomination is now centered in the midwest, it is important to be reminded that our American roots stem largely from the early migration of Germans through Pennsylvania. Names like J.P. Boehm and G.M. Weiss remind us of the early years when...