Welcoming Committee Report

Welcoming Committee Report

It has been an eventful fall thus far, highlighted by two meetings with pastors exploring the RCUS. On October 26, Covenant East Classis President Dennis Luquette, Welcoming Committee members Wayne Johnson and Rev. Win Groseclose, and Revs. Sam Rodriguez and Ron...

Anecdotes of Church History

Anecdotes of Church History

NONE IS INDISPENSABLEIn the early days of the German Reformation it was mistakenly believed that Martin Luther, especially after he was abducted after the Council of Worms (he was “imprisoned” in the Wartburg Castle), had been martyred for Christ. Devastated by the...

Home Missions

Home Missions

News from Grace Reformed Church in Dickinson, ND. The post Home Missions appeared first on RCUS.

Synod President’s Report

Synod President’s Report

What a rich privilege it is for each of us to be appointed in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ through the church as pastors and elders. I marvel that God has taken us as ordinary men from out of our sins and miseries, redeemed us through Jesus Christ our Savior...

Heidelberg Theological Seminary

Heidelberg Theological Seminary

Summer is flying by! Another glimpse of HTS in the Philippines featuring a snapshot of the class in Dagupon. The post Heidelberg Theological Seminary appeared first on RCUS.

The Essential Writings of Heinrich Bullinger

The Essential Writings of Heinrich Bullinger

It is my belief that modern Christianity cannot comprehend its spiritual heritage apart from the Swiss Reformation in particular. I grant that the German Reformation played somewhat of a role, but the Lutheranism that was handed over to contemporary Protestants was...

Mid-America Reformed Seminary

Mid-America Reformed Seminary

Congratulations to ’23 alumnus David Voytek on sustaining his licensure exam before the Western Classis of the RCUS. David is now officially a licentiate, authorized to preach the Gospel and accept a call to a congregation. May the Lord bless you, David, as you seek...

It’s All About THE Story

It’s All About THE Story

Worshiping as a synod is a joyful experience, filled as it is with praise of our glorious God via His Word proclaimed, a multitude of voices joined in rousing response, and dependence on Him evidenced by the prayers of His saints thankful for His grace and love in...

A New Meeting Place in Bardiya

A New Meeting Place in Bardiya

It is a joy to report that the new church building on the property which Rev. Sloan and I visited in western Nepal (Bardiya) is completed! At the time of our visit, it was merely an open field and with the beginning of a stone foundation. Now it is finished and being...