Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest,’” (Matthew 9:37-38). That verse leads me immediately to ask this question: So, who among you has...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Western Classes Adds Two New Ministers

Western Classis President Doug Schlegel (left) stands by as Rev. Rudy Rubio signs documents welcoming him into the RCUS. Looking on is his co-pastor at the Reformed Church of LA Rev. Chris Marquez, whose “ordination and intent” exam was also sustained that morning....

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Presbyterian Theological Seminary Mission Conference

Tune in to Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s groundbreaking Missions conference.  How to bring the gospel to the last 3100 unevangelized people groups in the world. Spring Theology Conference begins today at 1:45PM EST Abundant Life in Venezuela | Lahti...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Yes! God Has Indeed Said

Social media is a fact of life in our day.  But what is expressed thereby is often not a result of careful thought. In communication via instant tweets and memes on our screen devices, sound (healthy, as in 2 Tim.1:6) theology, is frequently not the foundation. Of...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Church News

On Sunday, February 4, 2024, Rev. David Dawn preached the Word at Peace Reformed Church (Garner, IA) and led the ordination and installation service of his son, Matthew Dawn, for the office of ruling elder. Matthew has been serving as an intern at PRC and is preparing...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Healthy Conversations: Sharing What’s in Your Will and Why

Talking to your family about your estate plan paves the way for healthy dialogue about your values, goals and legacy. Join Barnabas Foundation’s Jim Bakke, J.D., as he shares practical tips about leading a fruitful conversation that prepares your loved ones for the...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Healthy Conversations: Sharing What’s in Your Will and Why

Talking to your family about your estate plan paves the way for healthy dialogue about your values, goals and legacy. Join Barnabas Foundation’s Jim Bakke, J.D., as he shares practical tips about leading a fruitful conversation that prepares your loved ones for the...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs


Your will is your final act of stewardship of the resources God has entrusted to you. Making a legacy gift makes a powerful statement to your family about your life, and the values you cherished. Remember your family. Remember the work of the Kingdom.#rcus #giving The...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs


Your will is your final act of stewardship of the resources God has entrusted to you. Making a legacy gift makes a powerful statement to your family about your life, and the values you cherished. Remember your family. Remember the work of the Kingdom.#rcus #giving The...

Hearts for the Harvest: Nine Verbs

Faith Finder Article: Discipling

Having considered the Ten Commandments, one of the things we note is that obedience does not come naturally for us. We need training in living a Christian life and then we need discipling as we seek to live it. One of my friends, involved in a mission church, told me...