Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

(1612–1672) America’s First Published Poet Anne Bradstreet, one of the earliest American colonists, was both the daughter and wife of Massachusetts governors, and she became the mother of eight children. Her poems reveal a well-educated woman who avidly observed the...

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

Church News: Ordination

Thomas “T.J.” Johnson was ordained and installed on a very “orange” St. Patrick’s Day  at Covenant Reformed Church of Sacramento, CA. Church News: Baptisms The post Church News: Ordination appeared first on RCUS.

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

The Gospel-Forward Church, Part 2

In our first look at the gospel forward church, we talked about how to talk to neighbors, friends and family about Jesus.  As you may recall, we are not all called to be theology professors, but we are all called to be witnesses – to just tell people what happened....

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

The Gospel-Forward Church, Part 2

In our first look at the gospel forward church, we talked about how to talk to neighbors, friends and family about Jesus.  As you may recall, we are not all called to be theology professors, but we are all called to be witnesses – to just tell people what happened....

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

The Local Church: Where Christ Equips His Saints

When the conversation, as you’re out and about turns to “church,” what commonly comes to the fore is preconceived notions and assumptions about “church:” “church” as organized religion not needed or wanted.  Or “church” is where I got burned by a bad experience. Or...

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

The Local Church: Where Christ Equips His Saints

When the conversation, as you’re out and about turns to “church,” what commonly comes to the fore is preconceived notions and assumptions about “church:” “church” as organized religion not needed or wanted.  Or “church” is where I got burned by a bad experience. Or...

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

South Central Classis

Under sunny late-winter skies, the 2024 Annual meeting of South Central Classis got under way at Emmanuel Reformed Church in Sutton, NE on March 18 at 1:00 p.m. Unfortunately, President Matthew Powell became ill while traveling to Classis and was, therefore, unable to...

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

Northern Plains Classis

Beloved saints in Christ Jesus, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 1:2).  Although it was cold and snowy outside, it did not match the warmth of love and fellowship inside as the Northern Plains Classis (NPC) held their 39th...

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

Western Classis

Meeting this year at Grace Reformed Church in Willows, the Western Classis enjoyed excellent hospitality and good fellowship. Rev. Doug Schlegel, elected as president for a second consecutive year, ably led the proceedings, while Rev. Ruben Zartman took up the post of...

Women in Church History: Anne Bradstreet

Covenant East Classis

This year’s classis meeting was held at Peace Reformed Church in Garner, IA. Peace Reformed Church was established in 1878, a time when congregants came to church using horses rather than automobiles, and there was no such thing as the incandescent or florescent light...